- The depth of cutting or height of filling shall be measured, correct to 5 mm
- In case of open footings up to the depth of 1.5 metres, alround excavation of 30 cm. beyond the outer dimension of footing shall be measured for payment to make allowances for centering and shuttering.
- 2 In case of open footings/Rafts at a depth of more than 1.5 metre, alround excavation of 75 cm shall be measured for payment to make allowance for centering and shuttering.
- Where ordinary rock and hard rock is mixed. The two kinds of rock shall be stacked separately and measured in stacks. The net quantity of the two kinds of rocks shall be arrived at by applying deduction of 50% to allow for voids in stacks. If the sum of net quantity of two kinds of rocks exceeds the total quantity of the excavated material, then the quantity for each type of rock shall be worked out from the total quantity in the ratio of net quantities in stack measurements of the two types of rocks. If in the opinion of the Engineering- in-charge stacking is not feasible, the quantity of ordinary and hard rock shall be worked out by means of cross-sectional measurements.
- Where soil, ordinary rock and hard rock are mixed, Excavated materials comprising hard rock and ordinary rock shall be stacked separately, measured, and each reduced by 50% to allow for voids to arrive at the quantity payable under hard rock and ordinary rock. The difference between the entire excavation and the sum of the quantities payable under hard rock and ordinary rock shall be paid for as excavation in ordinary soil or hard soil as the case may be.
Excavations exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm. on plan but not exceeding 30 cm. in depth in
all types of soils and rocks shall be described as surface excavation.
The length and breadth shall be measured with a steel tape correct to the nearest cm. and the area
worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in square metres.
Excavation for earth from borrow pits, cutting hill side slopes etc. shall be described as rough
- Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan and exceeding 30 cm in depth.
- Excavation for basements, water tanks etc.
- Excavation in trenches exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan.
- Trenches for pipes, cables, conduits etc. shall be measured in running metre correct to the nearest cm in stages of 1.5 m depth and described separately as under:
- (a) Pipes, cables, conduits, etc. not exceeding 80 mm dia.
- (b) Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300mm dia.
- (c) Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 300 mm dia.
- Where two or more categories of each work are involved due to different classification of soil within the same stage of trench depth or where the soil is soft loose or slushy requiring increase in the width of trench or sloping sides or shoring, trenches for pipes, cables, conduits, etc. shall be measured in cubic metres
When the depth of trench in soft/loose soil exceeds 2 metres, stepping, sloping and/ or planking
and strutting of sides shall be done.
- Works shall be grouped according to the following:
- (a) Depth not exceeding 1.5 m.
- (b) Depth exceeding 1.5m in stages of 1.5 m.
- Planking and strutting to the following shall be measured separately:
- (a) Trenches.
- (b) Areas- The description shall include use and waste of raking shores.
- (c) Shafts, walls, cesspits, manholes and the like
- (d) Where tightly driven close but jointed sheeting is necessary as in case of running sheeting is necessary as in case of running sand the item shall be measured separately and packing of cavities behind sheeting with suitable materials included with the item.
- (e) Planking and strutting required to be left permanently in position shall be measured separately.
- The unit, namely, metre depth shall be the depth measured from the level of foul position/ sub-soil water level and upto the centre of gravity of the cross sectional area of excavation actually done. Metre depth shall be reckoned correct to 0.1 m, 0.05 m or more shall be taken as 0.1 m and less than 0.05 m ignored. The extra percentage rate is applicable in respect of each item but the measurements shall be limited only to the quantities of earth work actually executed.
- In case earth work in or under foul position is also in or under water and/or liquid mud, extra payment shall be admissible only for the earth work actually executed in or under foul position.
- Pumping or bailing out water met within excavations from the sources where envisaged and specifically ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be measured separately and paid. Quantity of water shall be recorded in kilolitres correct to two places of decimal. This payment shall be in addition to the payment under respective items of earthwork and shall be admissible only when pumping or bailing out water has been specifically ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing.
- Planking and strutting or any other protection work done with the approval of the Engineer- in-Charge to keep the trenches dry and/or to save the foundations against damage by corrosion of rise in water levels shall be measured and paid for separately.
- Bailing or pumping out water, accumulated in excavation, due to rains is included under respective items of earthwork and is not to be paid separately.
Filling Side of Foundations:
The cubical contents of bed concrete levelling course and masonry/ concrete in foundations upto the ground level shall be worked out and the same deducted from the cubical contents of earthwork in excavation for foundations already measured under the respective item of earth work to arrive at the quantity for filling sides of foundation. The quantity shall be calculated correct to two places of decimal.
Filling in Plinth and under Floors:
Depth of filling shall be the consolidated depth. The dimensions of filling shall be on the basis of pre-measurement correct to the nearest cm and cubical content worked out in cubic metres correct to two places of decimal.
The length, breadth and depth of consolidated sand shall be measured with steel tape correct to the nearest cm and cubical contents worked out in cubic metres correct to two places of decimal.
Surface dressing shall include cutting and filling upto a depth of 15 cm and clearing of shrubs, rank vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above the ground level and removal of rubbish and other excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres outside the periphery of the area under surface dressing. High portions of the ground shall be cut down and hollows depression filled upto the required level with the excavated earth so as to give an even, neat and tidy look.
Length and breadth of the dressed ground shall be measured correct to the nearest cm and the area worked out in square metres correct to two places of decimal.
Jungle clearance shall comprise uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brushwood, shrubs, stumps, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above the ground level. Where only clearance of grass is involved it shall be measured and paid for separately.
The length and breadth shall be measured correct to the nearest cm and area worked out in square metres correct to two places of decimal.
While clearing jungle, growth trees above 30 cm girth (measured at a height of one metre above ground level) to be cut, shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and then marked at site. Felling trees shall include taking out roots upto 60 cm below ground level or 30 cm below formation level or 15 cm below sub-grade level, whichever is lower.
Cutting of trees above 30 cm in girth (measured at a height of one metre above level) shall be measured in numbers according to the sizes given below:
(a) Beyond 30 cm girth, upto and including 60cm girth.
(b) Beyond 60 cm girth, upto and including 120 cm girth.
(c) Beyond 120 cm girth, upto and including 240 cm girth.
(d) Above 240 cm girth.