PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE PRECAST DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES Measurements The length shall be measured in running metre correct to a cm along the centre line of the frames. PRECAST CEMENT CONCRETE JALI Measurements The jali shall be measured for its gross superficial area. The length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The … Read more


REINFORCEMENTS Measurement Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and lappages shall be measured in length of different diametre, as actually (not more than as specified in the drawings.) used in the work nearest to a centimetre and their weight calculated on the basis of standard weight given in Table below. In case actual unit weight of … Read more

CPWD Specs, Earth Work

EXCAVATION IN ALL KINDS OF SOILS MEASUREMENTS SURFACE EXCAVATION Excavations exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm. on plan but not exceeding 30 cm. in depth inall types of soils and rocks shall be described as surface excavation. Measurements The length and breadth shall be measured with a steel tape correct to the nearest … Read more

CPWD Specifications, Generals

GENERALS Building Special Structures FOUNDATION AND PLINTH The work in foundation and plinth shall include: Note: Specific provision shall be made in the estimate for such situations where the foundation level is more than 3 (three) metre depth from the plinth for all types of structures mentioned above. MEASUREMENTS